Thursday, July 24, 2008

They don't call them milk-guns for nothing!

I've been noticing that my milk has finally come in full strength. Ezekiel is eating really well, and he's not staying on for 45 min anymore. Now he's getting full in 10-20 minutes on just one side. So last night he was on a really good schedule, eating every two to three hours. Well, it was time for him to feed on my left side, and my right side was already full again, so I decided to pump a little. In five minutes of pumping (if that) I looked down at the bottle and there was a full 4 oz. So now i'm just starting to stockpile extra in the freezer. I'm such a champ!

So, if anyone needs breastmilk made of mostly Lucky charms and Granola bars... You know where to come!

1 comment:

IronLawGirl said...

Now you have something to eat your lucky charms with!