Saturday, April 9, 2011

I finally took pictures!

Ok, so I know I suck. Sorry...
Here goes:

Last weekend we went camping. I didn't take too many pictures, because I was trying to keep track of both of my boys the whole time. Very tiring!

Samson trying out his lawn chair. Already covered in mud, but happy!
Just loungin' around and watching daddy work.
Setting up EVERYTHING! That's what happens when you take a big fat preggers camping with you :) Thanks baby!

Tonight I took the boys to fairytale town for a family fun night. Zeke had a blast!
He LOVES "going to see the animals."
I tried to include Samson in the festivities, but he was mostly ornery, so we left him in the stroller for the rest of the time.
They had little games set up, and here is Zeke giving the cute girl his ticket to play.
As soon as he threw the ball, a big gust of wind came and knocked all of the pins over, so he got a strike! Way to go son!

He insisted on being the "Bad Guy". I'm not sure where he gets his information.
And an ice-cream cone at the end. Perfect end to a great night.