Thursday, May 28, 2009

Silly BABY!

Zeke has been quite the handful lately. And since I'm pregnant, I've been lazier than ever. I had a little bleeding episode on Sunday night, so Monday, I was taking it easy. Whilst laying on the couch, I dozed off, and Zeke found my extra strength Tylenol in my diaper bag, got it open, and proceeded to try some. I woke up when josiah got home and discovered them all over the place. I called poison control, and the guy said at his weight, 4-5 are toxic. Since we didn't know how many he had, we took him straight to the emergency room. They had to give him a little IV, and they tested his blood for the drug. Whilst we were waiting, I asked the nice doctor if I could be admitted because I thought I may be miscarrying at 12 weeks. There were no doctor's offices open since it was Memorial Day, but since we were already at the ER, I figured, why not? So while we were waiting for Zeke's results, they set me up for an ultrasound. Jo and I said a little prayer while we were waiting for the doctor, and when he came in to do the US, everything was fine. He said I had a "marginal placenta" which tends to bleed when overexerted, so I REALLY have to take it easy. And Zeke had no tylenol in his system. One of my ward friends called to have her hair done, and I politely declined due to my situation. She called me back 15 min later, and told me she had called the primary president, and told her I needed to be released from Nursery. HAHA. Whatever it takes. But it really is a legitimate request.

New Story:

Every single day Zeke and I take a shower. Every day I get out and fill the bath with 3 inches of clean baby soapy water. He plays while I get dressed, and then I get him out and get him dressed. Well, today he must have been a little tired/impatient, because before I could get my unders on, he did a face plant on my bathroom floor. It looked like when seals flop on the ice. He just slid out face first. He got a tiny fat lip, and he cried for a long time. He hates getting out of the bath as it is, and he was REALLY tired. He's fine now. It was hilarious though. A mental picture I'll cherish forever.

Last weekend we went camping with the Turners. It was a blast! I can't wait to go more this summer!

Josiah's bringing us all our tin-foil dinners. Yum YUM!

This is where we wanted Zeke to play all day:

This is where he preferred to be:

This is also his 11 month shot! How HANDSOME!

Here's my sexy hubby cooking us dinner!

And here's the boys playing horseshoes. Mike brought the games. He also brought a beanbag toss called CORNHOLE. That's really the name kids. I thought they were just being funny, but when I got home, I wanted to buy a set so bad I googled it and there's an ACA. American Cornhole Association!!! We had a really good time!
Zeke got into pen the other morning.
And Lastly, my gardening update.
What a carrot should look like:

What happens when a small carrot hits a rock, or something else hard.

And this baby just came out of the blue. I check my plants at least every other day when I water, and this was there today! HOW FUN!


Tawnya said...

That's so awesome you're getting stuff from your garden!! I can't believe all the drama in the ER. How scary!

kelsey said...

i'm glad you are taking it easy. crazy. i love your gardening spoils!!! yay. also, zeke looks just like his daddy, holy cow! he is getting so big!

IronLawGirl said...

Holy smokes! Good job taking it easy. Gwen got into the Excedrin Migraine when she was a baby, and we spent time on the phone with poison control too. We just had to count all 100 pills less the two we had taken. All there. Thank goodness. And thank goodness you and baby Zekey are okay too.

Anonymous said...


Jocelyn said...

I had a placental tear when I was 13 weeks prego with Jayci. She's #3. And see, everything's okay, because she lived to be #3! Glad you're taking it easy and wish I was there to help you! Love ya!

Ashley Gilbert said...

Ahh your garden is growing! I like the funky carrot. Camping looked like a blast. Glad you are all okay with the little scares for the week.