Thursday, June 11, 2009

Viva la familia!

Last week, I took a trip to Oregon, and then Washington to see some family.
Jacqui, Dan and Levi came down to see some friends in Reno. Then we caravaned back up to Oregon all together. Levi is the CUTEST uncle. He took such good care of Zeke and Paolo the whole time! This is us at Black Bear Diner in Mt Shasta City, with Mt Shasta in the background. It's a really pretty drive.
When we got there we just had to go see Nana and Papa, and they suprised us with Heather and Isabel coming down! We went to lunch and had a pretty good day. Zeke showed off his straw skills by sucking down literally half of my chocolate milkshake.
He's also taken a liking to sunglasses. It's pretty cute. Here he stole Isabels. He just started doing it on the way to Oregon with Jacqui's. They were pink too. Uh-oh.
Zeke loved playing with his cousins. Here he is with Paolo.

This is at the family reunion in Washington with Jared. He is my cousin Zynna's 9 month old.

I'm sure he was tired, but mostly it was warm in there. I think he liked the nice cool floor.

All the hot ladies. And their babies. Jacqui and Paolo, Zynna and Jared, Aunt Coca, and Zeke and Me.

Finding his new love. Strawberries. I never bring him food because he can eat basically anything, but here it was limited, so he ate about a dozen that day. I had strawberry juice all over my nice white pants.

Here is a lot of the family that was there. I could even tell you most of their names now! YAY!


Ashley Gilbert said...

Looks like a fun trip! Lol...Zeke crashing on the cold gym floor is just too much. :)

Ashley said...

Hey, I remember Zynna! Can't believe she has a baby! Looks like you had a great time =) Who is that girl you are holding in the big family pic and where is Zeke... napping?

Jacqui said...

When I saw the picture in the gym I thought, 'Hey, I'm looking pretty good" then I saw the picture from the picnic and I thought, "but I still have SO far to go." Oh, well. BTW, Didn't you know your blog is all about me? Just kidding. You are so good at this blogging stuff. I need a tutorial.