Saturday, May 9, 2009

Plus one makes 4!

So I've been trying to decide when to post this. I was going to wait a few more weeks, but I couldn't hold it in any more! We're having another baby!!! I'm 9 weeks, 4 days, and I'm due December 8th.
I know I know, we already have a baby and he's only 10 months old! Yeah, we were pretty much freaking out at first, but now we're really excited. We're hoping for another boy to keep Zekey company. They'll be 17 1/2 months apart.
I couldn't figure out how to rotate this picture, but you can tell which way was up. It looks like a perfect picture of a baby with a face and little hands and everything. Little did I know, the baby is upside down, and his face is actually his body. Whatever. I was still right about the hands.
If anybody knew me during my first pregnancy, I WAS SICK. Every other day I was throwing up, and if I wasn't throwing up, I was laying on the couch. This time, I'm SO MUCH BETTER!!! It's so exciting. I'm still feeling exhausted, but I only threw up once, whilst cleaning up dog poo. (Please refer to two posts ago.) Anyway, i'll keep everyone updated on the progress.


Taylors said...

Wow!! Congrats!!! Your kids will be the bestest buds!!

kelsey said...

SHUT UP. RIGHT NOW. SHUT UP. I love your honesty in that you were "pretty much freaking out at first." but I am soooo excited for you guys. Everyone who has had babies close together says the same thing in my opinion, it's shocking, and hard at first, but they are so grateful later that their kids are so close. YAY!!!! I'm glad you announced it so I can follow along. So when are you due? I am so glad you aren't feeling sick, it gives me hope that maybe I won't be sick next time. . . a girl can hope, right?

Ashley Gilbert said...

Congrats again Des! We can't wait to find out what you are having. We hope it is boy so Zeke can play with a little bro like you said. :)

Tawnya said...

Your righteous fertile garden is so blessed! :) For real, congrats and here's hoping the rest of the pregnancy is smooth sailing!

Aunty Sylvia said...


Congratulations! I can see I need to get a little crib for the guest bedroom.. ;)

Jill@Barnes Yard said...

Oh my goodness! I thought I recognized you! Congrats on baby #2. It is so fun having babies close together. :)

Ashley said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How exciting! Must be a girl if you aren't sick this time! ;) Either way... it's bound to be a CUTE baby! Having 2 of the same gender in a row is so much fun so it would be fun for Zeke to have a little brother to pick on!

McGiven Family.... said...

Congrats lady! You are just a few weeks behind me! So fun! I am so excited for you and little Zeke!

Marisa Hodges said...

Congratulations, how fun for Zeke to have a little one that close in age, for sure they will be BFF! Have fun dreaming up new baby names, that's one of my favorite parts! and yay for no morning sickness that blows!

Mike and Lindsey said...

Congratulations! My mom said something to me about it at the wedding, but I wasn't sure if it was a secret or not. We are so excited for you guys. I'm glad you're feeling better this pregnancy. My second has been much easier as well. Good luck and we hope all goes well for you all.

CBass said...

Sorry Dez...I"m a little behind on checking in...congrats on your news! Its going to be a fun Christmas for you guys :)