Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I hate to chronicle every bowel movement my baby makes, but when he goes more than a week without having one, they're pretty intense. We have a rule in our house that whoever is holding Zeke has to change him when the time comes. Well, if Josiah has him, he has to, and any other time, I do! So it just so happened that Josiah was home (he worked 6am mon-7am tues.) sleeping Tuesday. When he woke up he came out to play with Zeke, it happened. The weekly blowout! Josiah is not as skilled as I have become in dealing with it, so it ended up all over Zeke's arms and chest. Jo was just going to give Zeke a bath, but I suggested they both jump in. So while Josiah's getting ready, he hands me my sweet baby, all naked and what not. I'm holding him facing me, but an arm's length away so as not to get poopy, and I'm just chatting with Josiah, when the shower, which was already running starts spraying me in the face and chest. Wait, why would the shower just start veering off course and spraying me. The shower is stationary. Wait, that's for sure pee hitting me in the face and chest!!! SICK!!! I had already done my makeup and everything. I couldn't just drop my baby, but he did stop when I screamed. But pee was just dripping down my chest something awful. So we made it a family affair in the shower. What a BAD BABY!!!


Tawnya said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA it won't be the last time that happens! Once I was leaning over Kit blowing his little bumhole dry when he went to town on my face. Ugggghhhh!

Ashley said...

Ew. haha. The joys of little boys... ;)