Monday, August 3, 2009

We're a tiny bit abusive.

The other night Josiah found a mouse in a trap in the garage. He went and got one of my haircoloring gloves to pick it up, and Zeke saw it and freaked out. He apparently has a deathly fear of black gloves. Sorry we're laughing so much.


Mike and Lindsey said...

That is hilarious. Don't feel too bad, we do that kind of stuff to Lilly all the time. Mike put on a scary halloween mask one time, turned off the lights and chased her around the play room. She was so scared and screaming and we couldn't laugh hard enough. The things parents do. Good thing they forgive easily.

Taylors said...

That was AWESOME! I was laughing out loud. I used to give kids cookies and then trip them to see if they would risk their body to keep ahold of the cookie...they always saved the cookie

Ashley Gilbert said... my Brother did something similar to his 2 yr old son on easter and dressed up in this monstrous Ape costume..scared him half to death! We were all laughing while he spazed out for like 20 mins! Your video cracked me up!

IronLawGirl said...

That's funny! Reminds me of when I'd put tape on my cat's back and it'd walk around like it was walking under something! Loved it. But the cat didn't like getting the tape off.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious!!!!! i just love that kid!!!

Aunt Sylvia said...

That is hilarious. Reminds me of grocery shopping with your mother and one of you kids - I think it was Levi. She would pick up a coconut and turn it so the three dots were visible to him and he would just scream. It was SO FUNNY. We went back to the produce department several times that day...

Desiree Sanders said...

I remember that! He hated coconuts!

Jacqui said...

I love it! My favorite part is "we're going to go to prison"