Monday, August 17, 2009

Is this nesting?

I guess I just decided that a few things needed to get done. We bought a new duvet cover for our bed. Once I got it all in place, I decided I needed some color, so my next project is to find a nice fabric to make a couple of throw pillow out of, and then valances for our room, and then we have to find a coordinating paint an do that. I'm thinking a nice blue-green. Who knows. I suck at decorating.

Now that it's been a year, I decided I could get Zeke's room done. So I picked out fabric for the new baby's bed. I have to make a bumper, because we ordered a mini-crib and there is basically no bedding available, especially matching/coordinating with what we already have. So I made some valances, and then I wanted to hang them, but I wanted to finally paint his room first, so that was our weekend project. Josiah was such a HUGE help. We love you daddy!
If you look closely, you can see that Zeke is in his crib. He was supposed to be going to sleep, but since he refused, I took the opportunity to take the picture.
This is called peanut butter and marshmallow fluff. Dan (my sister's husband) introduced them to me. They're pretty tasty, and nothing tops them off like an ice-cold IBC root beer!
And here's a gratuitous picture of my very bad baby. He apparently was NOT in the mood for macaroni and hot dogs. As you can see, there is quite the spread on the floor. Dotted with blueberries. And everyone wonders why he's so skinny. I think he just likes to see the dog come and clean up after him. And he does. TOTALLY WORTH HAVING A DOG!


Taylors said...

I have heard of that peanut butter fluff combo before, guess I need to try it out. Good job on your nesting skills, at least you are productive.

Jocelyn said...

That is all so GREAT!! 2 things: 1st: Please make sure, when our babies meet, that Zeke doesn't tell Kamryn that the dog will clean up after her if she throws her food on the ground. I really need for her to eat. 2nd: What's a duvet cover?

Jacqui said...

Dan's a sicko.