Thursday, August 27, 2009

Walking isn't the issue!

So it's no big secret that Zeke took his sweet time learning to walk. He's been taking steps for a couple of weeks now, and he's doing pretty well. People always said, "Oh, just enjoy your time. It's a whole new ballgame when they're walking." Walking is pretty much not even a problem. Our house is equally baby proofed for crawling and walking. He was cruising along things for so long, that he's been able to reach the same level. But along with the walking has come CLIMBING!!!! He LOVES to climb onto the couch.
Last week I went to play the piano, and I heard a familiar rustling sound. It took him about 2 seconds to climb on the couch, and find a bag of "emergency" Cheetos under my purse. And the purple "L" is a of foam bath tub letter. He picked this one out and has been carrying it around the house for weeks making gun noises. He has no idea what any animals say, but he KNOWS the gun noise. Daddy is SO proud!
Here he made it between the chair and the table. At this point, he's still thinking he's pretty crafty. About 2 seconds later, he realizes he's STUCK! Hahahaha!
Sometimes when I'm doing dishes and watching my girlfriend Judge Judy, I wonder why she's suddenly speaking spanish. He can find ANY inconvenient button on the remote.
He also LOVES climbing into his containers. He climbed into the "toddler basket" during R.S. last Sunday. It was not a very big basket, much like this container.
This is just him walking across the living room in his jim-jams.

On Tuesday, Lindsey and Chase came to play. It had been WAY TOO LONG! The boys are getting older, and it's SO fun to watch them play. We ran a bunch of errands, and I totally got to try out my new double stroller. Note to self: Both kids need awesome snack cups. Other than that, they did AMAZING together. It made me want to start a toddler playdate at my house. Zeke didn't even acknowledge me for like an hour and a half when we got home.
I just love Chase's face in this picture. He's too cool for school.
I waxed nostalgic tonight and put Zekels in his infant carrier, which conveniently snaps right into my double stroller. So then we decided to walk down the block to get the mail. About halfway there, I realized there was a couple standing right by the mailboxes talking, so I made Reggie jump in, so he wouldn't jump all over the people and piddle on their legs and what-not. The girl thought this was the cutest thing she'd seen all week. I was really embarassed and told her we were just being silly, but she assured me that either way, she thought it was awesome. I'm pretty sure she thought Reggie was cuter than Zeke. Even after Zeke waved bye bye. On command. Oh, and when we got back inside, Reggie REFUSED to get out of the stroller. He apparently thought this was a pretty sweet deal!
Ok, so our dog is spoiled. He has a crate. He loves his crate, but when the bed is unoccupied during the day, we usually find him there. Under the covers. Well, since Lindsey was coming, I decided to make my bed before 4pm right before Josiah gets home. (that's when I usually end up making it.) Reggie was really confused. He couldn't find where the blankets started in order to get under them. So he just made himself comfortable on Josiah's pillows. Silly dog!


IronLawGirl said...

This post was just about the most awesome thing I've seen for a long time! I miss you guys!

Aunt Sylvia said...

What an ADORABLE post. I loved all the pictures and little stories. Thank you! (p.s. I am fascinated with how even the smallest of boys make things into guns and know what noises to make. Or cars. It's like they are genetically predisposed to making gun and /or car noises.)

Love you!

Ashley said...

A DOUBLE stroller! How exciting! It will DEFINITELY come in handy! =)

P.S. Reggie is pretty darn cute, but NO WHERE near as cute as Zeke!

Taylors said...

I have that stroller! And I LOVE the 'emergency' cheetos. Thats also awesome he thinks the 'L' is a gun. boys are the best

Jacqui said...

I miss you. I love the bed. The whole thing is really Out of Africa. I don't think it needs color at all.