Monday, June 22, 2009


I can't even believe that it's been a whole year since I had this little angel. He's the SWEETEST baby anyone could imagine. Currently, he's cruising along furniture, has 8 teeth and eats just about anything (including an entire bratwurst last night), and he usually sleeps 14 hours at night straight through. Plus a 2 hour nap at some point during the day. Sometimes 2.
This is his 1 year old picture from after church yesterday. I tried without the binky, but he wasn't focusing! He had just woken up from his nap, and friends were there!
For father's day, as well as Zeke and Kurt's birthday that is today, we had the Waller's over. Kurt, Lindsey, and Chase came over to play and BBQ. After dinner, the dads were enthralled in some XBOX, so we took the boys out back to play in our kiddie pool. They did have fun, this is just the only picture of both of their faces.
Then we got cleaned up and opened presents. Zeke got a busy ball popper, duplo legos, and cars from us, books and clothes from Nana and Papa, and a baseball and glove from the Wallers.
Here he's a little scared of his cake. In all fairness, it is on fire.
But once it's extinguished (with some help from daddy) he seems to cozy right up to it.

You can tell he's really enjoying it, because we're getting the "cheesy" smile.

It's all fun and games until someone rubs their eyes with red frosting all over their hands.
Then we stripped him down, and gave him a bath in the sink.
We LOVE our sweet baby, and we can't imagine our life without him. He's such a blessing, and he teaches us so much every day. I'm so excited about his little brother (or sister) that's coming this winter, and watching them grow and play and learn together.


IronLawGirl said...

No way! I can't believe it's been a year! Happy birthday Zeke! He's so adorable.

Jacqui said...

Happy Birthday to Zekers. We love you, buddy.

Aunt Sylvia said...

Wow, Des! I can't believe your little guy is already a year old. It looks like he knew what to do with that cake! Fun times. Kiss him on his chubby cheek for me.

Ashley Gilbert said...

Love the red iced face! Happy Belated Birthday Zeke!

Ashley said...

Wow! Has it already been a year? Crazy. Happy Birthday baby Zeke!!! He looks so handsome in his 1 year picture!