Last Sunday morning, Jacqui and I woke up in Sacramento, and got ready to catch our flights to the GRAMMY'S!! We had a 9:30 AM flight, so we got to the tiny Sacramento airport at 8:30. Plenty of time, right? We waited at US Airways for US Airways flight 6835. The line was a little long, so after about 20 minutes we reached the front. Our flight number wasn't listed on the screen, but all of the flights listed were to Phoenix, so I thought there must just be some mistake. When we got to the front, the lady informed us that our US Airways flight was operated by United. Which meant we had to go to the United gate. Which was in a seperate terminal. Which we had to walk to. In platform heels. You get the picture. So Jacqui and I BOOKED it to the next terminal and went straight to the United counter. We found a line of about 5 people, but there were a few self-serve kiosks, so I went to try one while she kept our place in line. My ticket went through perfectly, so she got out of line to do the same thing. However, Jacqui just missed the 30 minute cut-off before the flight, so it wouldn't work. The a-hole man at the counter refused to help us, saying there was nothing he could do. The computer was asking if she wanted to pay $50 to be put on standby, so she payed it. Then it asked if she wanted to check a bag, so she payed the $25 to check her bag, because it had a metal sequined dress in it that was difficult to get through security, and we didn't want to take all that time unloading and reloading her suitcase. Done and done. We run to the gate, and the sweet lady informed us that Jacqui was on standby for the next flight. She asked if she had checked a bag, and the lady said she could get J on the flight, but her bag wouldn't make it until the next plane came in. Simple enough, except that flight wasn't until 4pm, and we were leaving for the Grammy's at 3!!! I started crying. (I'm blaming in on the stress, and the pregnancy hormones.) I explained that her dress was in the bag, and we NEEDED that bag. She asked if the bag was checkable, and I said yes! Then, I told Jacqui (apparently with a crazy look in my eye) to RUN back to the checkin counter, and GET HER BAG!! She sprinted down the stairs (barefoot) while the gate lady called down to them, explaining the situation. We had less than 10 minutes until the doors were closing. I sat there for 5 minutes just DYING, and when Jacqui got to the top of the stairs with her bag, she still had to clear security. The gate lady had already torn her boarding pass, and she had to reprint her one, but luckily there were only like 2 people at security. She got back through security, and we boarded the plane with like 12 seconds to spare! And then we were off!
Then when we got to L.A. we rented a Convertible, which was super fun. Of course my super glamorous sister had a head scarf, whilst my hair was going all willy nilly in the wind!
We then checked into our hotel room, and had a couple of hours to get ready. The lady at the front desk of the hotel upgraded our room to the top floor which was an executive level which included a cocktail lounge at night and free breakfast in the morning. That was fun.
We also had a taxi pass which allowed our towncar to drop us off about 2 feet from the front door of the Staples center. It was very nice, considering the shoes! The red carpet is under tents in the back of the staples center, and the celebs are all kept FAR away from us common folk. I saw a window where you could see some VIPS coming in, but I got yelled at by security for looking out... he said, "We have to keep traffic moving here." I don't do well with getting yelled at.
Anyhoo, we found our seats and man were they high!! But it was still AMAZING! I was watching the recorded version a little today, and you just don't get the same effect!! 3.5 hours, and I was never bored. I want to go back every year now, even if I never see a celebrity!
The next day, we just tooled around L.A.
We went shopping in Beverly Hills... Lunch at Villa Blanca, which was AMAZING! We sat outside, and the seats were pretty close together. The table right behind us was a thirty something couple with their baby in a stroller. However, their "baby" was a mini-poodle. They were super sweet, and talked to me about my pregnancy... Then, the crusty gentleman who was waiting for his "date" chimed in that I had a 70% chance of having another boy, but there was a blood test I could take to clarify. I asked how he knew so much about fertility and statistics, and he explained that he knew a lot about everything.... Okaaayy. So after he waited and waited and waited for his date, she finally showed up. And she was GORGEOUS! Half his age, and SO pretty! Then, he asked her what a Valentine's lunch "entailed?" Was it the same as a Valentine's Dinner? She played all dumb, and giggled, and changed the subject. Then she was super snooty to the poor waiter, and wouldn't eat ANY fat, including oil on her ahi tuna tar tar, or any sauces, or anything. Anyhoo, I decided it's not worth being skinny, if you have to be such a B whilst ordering food. Plus, she's a high priced hooker, so how snooty can she really be?
Then we drove to the beach.
On the way to the beach, we passed right past the L.A. temple. So cool.
Then, we walked along the beach.
And on the pier.
And some guy was making his lady a nice Valentine. It was really cute how much effort he was putting into it.
And then we got bored. I asked Jacqui if she wanted to go find out what kind of baby I was having. She was super pumped! I have had 2 doctor's appointments, in which one midwife told me that my fetus' hearbeat sounded male, and the next one my NP told me the same thing. Then I took a pee in a cup test that told me I was also having a boy. Plus I have 2 beautiful boys... So, when we got to the sonographer's appt, the guy asked me if I had children yet. I said 2 boys, he said, "I'm not even going to ask the next question." He also explained that the odds were against me. So, finally he showed me what I was looking for. Well, I have seen a couple of boy ultrasounds, and I had known right away what I was loooking at. He had me laying on my left side to find the baby's privates, and the machine was on the right side, so he gave me a mirror to look. So I'm looking as he's going over and over and over my baby's privates. I am totally seeing 2 legs, but nothing else. And then my heart started pounding. Where's the weiner? My baby is missing his weiner. Wait. Does that mean? Am I missing something? I was too scared to ask. He then asked my sister if she knew what it was. He teased that he knew the gender, and just wanted us to figure it out. I finally got up the courage to ask, "Am I having a girl?" And he said, "You're having a girl!" I am tearing up as I write this, and I was totally crying and freaking out!!! I'M HAVING A GIRL!!!! When I got home that night, I gave Josiah the ultrasound pictures, and he was just as thrilled. He can't wait to have a little daddy's girl, since Zeke is a total mama's boy, and Samson is just a terror. A cute terror, but a terror nonetheless. Anyway, we went out tonight and bought our first girly outfits. Ok, quite a few. And some shoes.
As soon as we got home from date-night, he got called out to work, so I had to load up the boys to take the sitter home. Zeke fell asleep on the way home, so I put him in his bed, and went to find his blanket and elephant, which he drags all over the house. Apparently he didn't need them. Such a sweet boy.
And just one of Samson. His new "spot" is the closet. He loves hiding in the clothes. He prefers my closet, but his works too. He is actually getting less terrorizing, and much more sweet. He likes to snuggle as long as you work in his blankie somehow.
I am SO excited to complete our little family. We had always planned on 2, maybe 3 kids, so this was for sure out last little baby. We would have been fine with a boy, but I REALLY wanted to have a little girl. And all of my dreams came true!!! I couldn't be happier right now!